
Breaking The Barrier

What was the Barrier?

At the time, a female ruler was unusual. Usually, woman would marry into royalty and they were'nt even in charge. The man (king) would arrange plans with other leaders, and was required to learn latin to have the ability to interact with fellow rulers.

How was it Broken?

Elizabeth wasn't the first female leader, but she was the first succsesfull one in her country. She also didn't marry into the throne, actually, she never married in her entire life, even saying, "I would rather be a begger and single than a queen and married." She also learned latin and spoke with other influential leaders. Learning latin was also a man's job, and it was not a women's duty to speak with other nations. Elizabeth didn't take the public's opinion on what a man's job and what a woman's job was.

"Though the sex to which I belong is considerd weak, you wil nevertheless find me a rock that bends to no wind." Elizabeth's powerful words for sure proved that she did not let her gender get in the way of what she thought was acceptable, and what desicions she made.